Here you have an up-to-date view of the gardening rearrangement. You may notice I moved about half the plants. Here is a summary of changes:
1) moved the Kale from front center to rear middle left (between 2 tomato plants) to improve sun exposure for front cabbage, collard, and remaining 2 lettuce plants.
2) moved cabbage plant from between the left-most tomato plants to the right rear spot to improve sunlight exposure.
3) replaced dying lettuce plants in front right with Collard.
A guest remarks that I am a "Lettuce Killer". I am offended by this accusation. Listen up: my actions to remove 2 dying lettuce plants were "mercy killing". Don't you understand? I had to kill a few sick plants to save the crop. So please, stop labeling me a "killer".
On another note, while doing the replantings, I noticed that the cabbage appears to be in less than perfect health. You may have noticed the holes in the cabbage leaves. There is also some kind of white slime that has collected in the "armpits" of the cabbage leaves. I can only guess that this is due to some kind of aphids, or "cabbage loopers", whatever those are (looked it up on google). So I took the unconventional step of brewing a home remedy consisting of diluted, cooked mashed garlic, and poured a little of if on all the cabbages. Now things smell wonderfully like garlic in the evening. All Aphids must die! If this doesn't do the trick, I will think about putting on a plant screen next.