Just so you all know it I am still here and going strong. The aphids seem to be going away, thanks to my garlic broth remedy. However a new calamity has struck the garden: the tomato plants are getting yellow on the bottom! I asked an expert here in north Oakland and she said I might be over-watering and causing the tomato to focus all it's "juices" to the top. So from now on, tomatoes only get watered once a week! Let's hope that cures them.
On another note, I saw a totally terrible movie this weekend : "Wedding Crashers", starring, well, who cares who those guys were!
The basic premise of the movie is these two guys, who are professional mediators in their other lives, go around to weddings of people they don't know (they find out by reading the paper) and get drunk and hopefully also laid with the other girls at those parties. The only redeeming quality of that movie is Rachel McAdams, and that's because she's cute, smart and WAY too good for this movie. At least for me, there was one thing I could enjoy looking at and listening to.
question: How old is Rachel, anyways?
answer: though I would have guessed about 18, she is actually 28 going on 29, that means 5 years younger than me. So do I have a chance? (you can vote in this week's poll)
Anyways, if you were considering whether to spend your $8 or whatever it costs to see "Wedding Crashers" in your neck of the woods, I am here to say SAVE YOUR MONEY and spend it on a better movie you will remember longer than this forgettable one. Heck, you could even rent 2 movies for this price, one of them being "Rocky IV", and the other being any other movie with Rachel McAdams or a movie star/starlet of your choice.
Speaking of "Rocky IV", I mentioned it because I just watched bits of that movie in between "Fear Factor" on TV tonight. It was shown on Cine de las Estrellas here (in Spanish, of course). Even though it was considered a flop back in the 80s, I loved the training sequences in the cabin in Siberia, and the inspirational 80s music including the "Final Countdown" by Survivor. On item I have to criticize however- Sy Stallone does not look like much of a boxer the way he lets Dolph beat him up. And it's not very realistic to get absololutely pounded for 10 rounds and then win the fight. But hey, it's Hollywood, and I STILL liked this movie way, WAY more than "Wedding Crashers".
One last thing: remember how Ivan Drago a.k.a. Dolph Lundgren says "I must break you" as he's facing Rocky in the beginning of one of the boxing rounds??? Well in Spanish it's "Yo contigo acabare". That sounds a lot cooler to me than "I must break you". Go Ivan!