A recent guest remarked he'd like to see more girls in bikinis. So to "spice things up", I decided to hire a work crew I will call the "Tomato Girls". These girls, dressed mostly in red to honor the produce that rules my batch of land, are as you can see hard-working, salt-of-the-earth, roll-your-pant-leg-up types. I only hire the best :-)
They are expert in using the gardening implements I provide and their effect on plant reproduction seems quite amazing. After just one shift of them toiling in my backyard, my tomato and cabbage plants had "spruced right up".
On another note, it appears my time here as master of Apartment E at 3912 Harrison Street may be soon ending. I found another place just up the street that offers more space and a garage for my car (see my earlier parking post from May), for the same rent I pay now. I will have to make side trips to take care of my plants. Since it's only a 1/2 block away, and it appears the rental market is moving real slow around here, that shouldn't be a problem....
Stay tuned! And thanks for visiting