One activity I like to do when I am at home and Roxanne's cats are around is to sit on my couch and watch episodes from a cable TV series. Since I don't get cable TV (too many channels = too much choice), I rent or borrow them. Currently I'm watching the first season of "The Wire", a portrayal of crime, police and life in the (mythical) projects of west Baltimore, MD. For those of you not familiar with it, the series ran from 2002-2007 on HBO and enjoyed a small, loyal following (I would compare "Wired" fans to the crowd that likes "Lost"). After watching most of the first season, I can see why. The show's vivid portrayal of the frustrations faced by actors on both sides of the "War on Drugs" is compelling. Throw in fine character acting by little known actors and you've got the recipe for a really fine TV show. I have many episodes to catch up on (am on the 12th episode of Season 1, which I will save until Thursday or Friday).
The Wire was useful as a way to unwind but also a way to procrastinate. I've got a carbon tax vs. cap and trade debate that I'm participating in and need to prepare for. I've been procrastinating mightily. Such is my lazy nature. The next days I will do what I can to get ready. I've got most of the material assembled (and read) to at least make a passable defense of cap and trade (see my other blog post from today), but the anti-capitalist sentiment runs high in the environmental crowd, plus people are not keen to support anything that requires the involvement of Wall Street to determine the fair price of carbon.