In any case, here goes: My favorite cartoon number 4 (This is a Top 4 List, for the purpose of brevity) has to do with, you guessed it, politics.

My favorite cartoon number 3, is about the new process of internet background checks. The caption that accompanied this cartoon read "JOB APPLICANT UNFAIRLY PENALIZED BY UNEXPUNGED ARREST RECORDS ON THE INTERNET". I had to look at it for awhile before I got the joke.

My favorite cartoon number 2, has to do with science class. I guess Pluto is no longer "lonely little Pluto"!

This is actually pretty revolutionary, I think. I was taught in science class "there are 9 planets in our solar system." How many times did I have to memorize that? A bunch. And the order of the planets? It just goes to show, all knowlege is temporary .... so why bother memorizing? (that's what computers are for, anyways, right?). Oh yeah, don't expect me to remember your phone number, either. That takes me a long time now with cell phones and Palm Pilot.
And my favorite cartoon of the year is, again, political and making fun of the right wingers. I just love the caption on this one. Enjoy!