Anyways, here's Dad. He's working on the patio. It's the day after Thanksgiving, and it's Wisconsin. Yeah, sometimes you don't know anymore that you're up north. Dad asked me to put this on the blog. So, of course, I will oblige

Second, I visited a food pantry downtown. It's on 12th and Vliet. Right there was an overpass, that has a view towards "beautiful" downtown Milwaukee. As you can see, they just finished the long-running highway renovation to the Marquette interchange (which extended all they way up to Vliet Ave., where I am standing).

I am keenly interested, if any of the natives think the interchage construction project was "worth it". I can't really tell the difference, except now the road is smoother.
Lastly, I got to visit the new Schroeder household in Germantown. What a grand place! Here is Steve, at work, with the Mrs. advising.

In case any of you were wondering why Steve isn't gambling so much anymore, it's because he's become Mr. Houseman. Way to go, Steve! It's a whole lot cleaner and better looking than your old apartment.
Finally, Teresa and I posed for a (self-)congratulatory picture, after we - I mean Teresa- finished stringing up the Christmas tree lights.

I had to quit halfway through, after it was determined that I wasn't stringing up the lights dense enough. Well, the final product speaks for itself (check the previous pic and you can see the lights)
So, in that spirit, happy Advent