No this is not your correspondent! Though if you are female, you probably (and I certainly) hope that it is. Instead this is the actor Gael Garcia Bernal. He played in "Motorcyle Diaries", directed by our very own Robert Redford. I watched it this past weekend and I'm writing in here that it's a great movie. Before you call me a communist sympathizer, which I am, you should watch the movie. Then criticize it. I've never been to South America. But this movie reminded me of many wandering trips I've taken, sometimes aimless, and sometimes planned impulsively. Also, it left me feeling like I really should have been more adventurous when I had the chance... well, I'll leave the interpretation up to you.
Becoming interested in the subject of Che by this movie, I logged onto the Internet to read a biography of Che Guevara. I always like to find out when watching movies based on historical figures, did the movie actually portrayed the figure as he / she lived, or was it a romanticized version. In this case, certainly there are romantic / dramatic aspects to the movie which probably didn't happen in Che's real life. And certainly Che Guevara in real life did not have the teenage heartthrob looks of Gael Garcia Bernal
Yet, still I liked this movie because it showed two young guys being young guys, doing stupid stuff, swearing and chasing women, and didn't dwell on the fact they became famous communist revolutionaries later in life. So, to me, it's a real anti-Hollywood movie in that sense, not overly dramatic, no Hollywood ending, plus a very well-produced one, if you like seeing beautiful mountain and high elevation landscapes from South America. Kudos to Redford, the producer Walter Salles, and the rest of the production crew.