As many of you know, I am active with the Sierra Club locally. We conducted interviews to determine our endorsement in this race in late August. I participated in all the interviews. We endorsed Kaplan #1, Quan #2 and Perata #3. Rebecca Kaplan (click for questionnaire) presented in superior vision and for how to "fix Oakland" in a sustainable fashion. She has an excellent plan to make Oakland a more transit and pedestrian (and bicycle) friendly city. She knows who the key people are in the city to get things done, and admits that the next mayor will have a major role to play in appointing department heads over the next 4-6 years (many city employees are set to retire.) Rebecca has excellent grasp of fiscal policy, as well. Jean Quan, meanwhile, has very good "green credentials." She is quick to mention the help she provided to the Sierra Club for our tree planting campaign (which is much appreciated), and I know she is passionate about watershed protection. Don Perata had a good environmental voting record during his time as a state senator in Sacramento. He won an award from the Sierra Club California for his work defending AB32 from Republican attacks. So each has something to champion in terms of the environment and the things the Sierra Club cares about.
In terms of the campaigns, Rebecca appears to be hitting the phones hard, is making appearances all over the city and appears to have a base among the artist / progressive / Oakland black chamber of commerce and younger environmentalist crowd. Jean Quan meanwhile has a lot of neighborhood activists wearing "Taking Oakland Block by Block" shirts, and also counts many environmentalists among her supporters. She has basically been campaigning for over a year and I think a lot of her hard work cultivating supporters and volunteers is paying off. Don Perata, meanwhile, has the best campaign ads and videos. He also has people walking the streets for him. When I saw his ad showing him sweeping the street in East Oakland the first time, I had to laugh. However, Don is allowing his friends the Prison Guards to try and influence the campaign with negative attacks on Jean Quan.
In summary, all three of the top candidates I mentioned could be a good mayor. But who will win? And how will they succeed in addressing some of Oakland's problems, such as the looming $589 million budget deficit? I cannot predict it. But the next mayor will need to work hard at getting their colleagues on the council to work together. During the 5 years I have lived here and observed the city council, it has unfortunately been marred by a lot of divisiveness. The missing element, in my opinion, is a mayor who can bring the warring council members together and get them to agree on important issues. Will Don Perata be able to bring together the council? He appears to have his favorites picked out already. How will he get the rest of the council to work with him, if they do not agree? What about Jean Quan? I could see her getting the council to work together. But there is pretty visible personal animosity between her and some other council members. So I see Rebecca Kaplan as the best "coach" and "facilitator". She is a fresh face, positive, enjoys good relations with other elected officials - but she's not inexperienced, either. I am confident she is the best choice for mayor.