Saturday, January 16, 2010

Cat on my Lap

Cat on my Lap

Oh cat on my lap how you purr
like a living pillow with fur
not much to talk about
your eyes I have no doubt
betray not one emotion, demur.

Such a child you are, but so sly
pathetically, sadly, you cry
Squeeze me! Pet me! Touch me! I sigh-
knowing, not how, but why
you will convince me to once again to comply

Those Egyptians sure knew what to do,
to raise, to breed, ones like you,
with your ability to seduce,
my unwillingness to reduce
I would like your talent some time too.

Monday, January 04, 2010


On New Year's Day I was hiking in Marin County (near Fairfax, off Bolinas Road) and picked up some nuts that looked like chestnuts.  They were bitter to taste, so I brought them home and baked them in the oven for a while.  Now they have a more mellow taste, though I am still finding them somewhat bitter.  Seems like there is lots of natural oils in these nuts.  I did a little research before I began chewing (just to make sure I wouldn't poison myself).  I found a wikipedia entry but not much else.  I thought they were Japanese chestnuts.  Then I asked a friend and he said they are california buckeye, a seed that is considered poisonous.  Wooops!

Next time, I'll try to leach them first, like the Indians did, to remove the toxins.

Sunday, January 03, 2010


The feeling you have missed a chance, why did you, if you only had ...
the consequence of a real event? just a current malaise? maybe, a former one?
The mind a flytrap, no matter how hard you shake it,
  unable to shake an uncomfortable thought.
Losing sleep, restless, looking to escape
For a moment, escape, a sudden realization
  on a sunny day, the clouds, lifted.
There is clarity, fleeting,
then, later, much later,
The heaviness of doubt, questions, return.