Steve, this entry is for you. You wanted to know what it looks like "on the job" here. So, here I am. I am real happy to be at work, as you can see from my forced smile. So - can you tell it's California?
As you can see, my workplace is the standard U.S. office cubicle. This is the 2nd job I've had where I worked in "cubes". In Germany, where I worked at a couple of places, cubes are apparently not in fashion. However, my experience is that it really makes little difference whether you're sharing an office with colleages or separated by the noise and sight-reducing cubicle walls. And, even though cube walls separate us, I don't think anyone gets lonely. They just listen in on their neighbors!
My employer, Kaiser Permanente, has its own clinics and provides its own insurance, thereby making us an example of what some politicians call "managed" health care. KP is proud of this fact and advertise themselves as "America's leading integrated health care organization". I don't know if that's true or not. But they do seem to be doing pretty well these days. I mean, they hired me all the way from Wisconsin!
My job, in case anyone wants to know, consists of using databases to help KP figure out how much money we're spending on patients that go for medical treatment "outside the system". In reality, I help others figure it out, by providing them with reports with titles like "Q1 Reconciliation for Mt. Diablo Hospital System" or "Executive Summary - Annual Referrals 2004". Hey, I'm turning into Herbert Kornfeld from Accountz-Reeceevable!
- Links about Cubicles :
- Ancient cubicles in the catacombs of Rome (also known as cubicula)
- A funny site about working in cubes.
- How to overcome the "cube effect" syndrome.
- Office Space - one of my favorite movies.